Saint Barbara Church, Barnbach, Austria
The original style of the best-known Austrian contemporary artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser (born Friedrich Stowasser) is known around the world. One who perceives the world in crazy colors and can turn any tiresome building into a unique piece of art, accepting only "natural", "ecological", "biomorph" styles. However, such colorful approach to the design of a church was unacceptable for many people.
The church of Saint Barbara (patron of miners) originally was built in 1948-1953, in Bärnbach, Styria, Austria. Later in 1987 on the initiative of Father Friedrich Zeck and the active support of Mayor Conrad Bergmann the church was redesigned under the project of the famous artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who together with architect Manfred Fuchsbichler created a unique and joyful masterpiece. Rich in ceramics, embossed ribs of the bell tower, golden "bulbs", golden balls, colored roof, the grass which grow on the ledges, floor, unevenly lined with ceramic tiles are all indicates the philosophical concept of the master: "There are no straight lines in nature, there is no absolutely smooth land, a pathway through woods". He also designed the twelve towers and gates around the church, which represent all of the world religions and carry the respective symbols of all confession and tolerance.
By Lilit Khalatyan,